Monday, October 29, 2007

Task #16 Wikis

This was the easiest task of all. Thanks to Wikipedia the concept of wikis was pretty easy to grasp. I really liked the idea of wikis being used to replace constantly changing documents like work manuals. The job of updating hard copy manuals is such a labour intensive job. Wikis could really help to ease the workload.

I have found it very interesting to see the use of some of this technology through the eyes of the next generation. My 8 year old son loves wikis. His favourite right now is the Super Mario Wiki. He says he loves the fact that he can learn everything he wants to know about Mario from the wiki. He loves the links that allow him to follow things like spinoffs and remakes of Mario. He especially loves the links to YouTube videos of Mario games. He isn't in the least amazed by the technology or its functionality. He just takes it in his stride. His attitude reminds me that this is what is expected of us by our younger patrons. They are not impressed at all, they expect it.

This is Ciaran's favourite wiki:

Main Page - Super Mario Wiki

Monday, October 22, 2007

Task #15 On Library 2.0

It is amazing stuff. The YouTube video was brilliant. It all gives me great hope about the future for our profession but it seems as though we are so far behind I don't know how we can catch up. I think the idea that a library is a community and we have to break down the barriers to access to allow our users to shape the development of the library is fantastic but will require a massive shift in our thinking.

I think we need to look to the younger staff members to push us. It is one thing for people like me to learn and adapt but it is quite another for those people who have grown up expecting the world to be this way to drive development. Those who have grown up with the technology will demand more of it instead of those of us who are still trying to catch up who want the evolution to slow down so we can get our heads around it.

Task #14 Technorati

This one hasn't grabbed me. Searching by tags seems to be highly unreliable. Searching the entire post even worse. Not having a massive interest in what is going in the technical world I haven't seen an immediate use for it but I have, at least, familiarised myself with the way it works.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Task #13

This was the exercise when it really hit me. I shut my eyes just briefly and the world changed. When did this social networking phenomenon explode? Why didn't I know it was happening? Why didn't I realise that the role of a librarian was being fundamentally challenged by a generation of internet savvy young people who don't feel tied to any rules or traditions but feel totally free to create their own methods of managing information?

One part of me is terrified by these changes. The other part is excited by the possibilities and the chance to be one of the old guard who moves with the times. Most of me is exhausted by the effort of getting my head around soooo many new ideas.

I am not absolutely convinced that something like is sustainable. Won't this lead to complete anarchy where it is impossible to feel confident that you are accessing all the relevant information because there is no control over the access points. I liked taxonomies. I liked knowing there was a single entry point. But that is just the old librarian in me talking. Roll on brave new world.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Task #12 Rollyo

I didn't like this that much. I don't have enough expertise in any one subject to know the websites that will give me the best information that I can get. That is what I rely on Google for but, of course, Google also spits up a lot of irrelevant stuff.

Task #11 Library Thing

A librarian's dream. I couldn't wait to get started on cataloguing my book collection. The way it searches Amazon and the Library of Congress is incredible and providing the image of the dustjacket makes it so alive. I love Libary Thing.

My library is at

Task #10 Image Generators

Great fun and so easy to use. I haven't really thought too much about how to use them in a serious way but great to play around with.

This is what I came up with.
I made it at